My Favorite Things

What is your favorite.....
Color?  Red     
Food? Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo 
Song?  Amazing Grace 
Movie?  The Wedding Singer 
Christmas activity? Decorating my house 
Childhood memory? Playing pretend birthday with my sister 
Thing to buy?  Dishes  
Highschool/College memory?  being part of a three-act play 
Part of teaching? Watching kids grow and mature 
Part of being a mother/wife?  The satisfaction you see when your family is happy 
Car?  White Lightning (not my favorite, but current) 
Candy?  Symphony candy bars 
Quote?  "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger" 
Day of the week? Friday 
Month of the year? December 
Holiday? Christmas 
Store? Herberger's 
Thing to do? Rock Carter 
Restaurant? Olive Garden/Pizza Ranch 
Pop? Regular Coke 

TV Show? Oprah 

Useless Habbit? Dusting daily